From Group ABC we offer the service of trademark and patent registration as authorized trademark and patent agents before the Trademark Office of the Principality of Andorra.
We have Lawyers specialized in intellectual property who offer our clients a global service in everything that affects the rights derived from brands, patents, copyright and similar, intangible assets that, for the company, represent a heritage and value essential differential when competing in the market and fundamental when structuring short, medium and long term strategies.

- Registration and renewal of trademarks in the Principality of Andorra
- Entries in the Andorran TradeMarks Registry (licenses, assignments, changes of name, changes of address, etc.)
- Search and investigation services
- Foreign registrations (Community and International trademarks, and for other countries)
- (...)

Registration and renewal of patents in the Principality of Andorra Entries in the Andorran Patents Registry (licenses, assignments, changes of name, changes of address, etc.)

- Applications for the registration of domain names .ad
- Renewals of domain names .ad
- Applications for authorization for State Signs
- Resolving incidents
- (...)

- Advice on the installation and security of mechanisms to comply with the legislation on personal data protection in force in the Principality of Andorra
- Data protection representative service
- Preparing circulars on privacy and commitments of confidentiality for employees with access to personal data
- Drawing up contracts between the file manager and the data processing engineer
- Analysis and preparation of documentation for the assignment of data to third parties
- Drawing up legal reports on procedures and data processing

- New technology contracts, their revision and adaptation
- Advice on electronic commerce
- Drawing up legal notices for web sites
- Legal advice in matters of electronic signature, computer rights and contracting

- Legal advice in matters of intellectual property: franchises, licenses, copyright, distribution contracts, technology transfer agreements, defence of competition, precautionary measures, preliminary enquiries, etc.
- Administrative appeals against the decisions of the Andorran Trademarks and Patent Office
- Legal requirements and claims for infringement, expiry, invalidity and unfair competition